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The second sunday of each month. 10am to 12pm, Southampton SDA Church Hall

The Southampton Church Community Breakfast is an initiative that was first championed by our Teens and Youth group who felt compelled to serve their community as they studied together. The first breakfast was served on Sunday 12 August 2018 and has continued monthly since then. There was a short break at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the rules gradually lifted, the community breakfast team swiftly restarted,  offering a take-away breakfast then built back to a sit-down service.  In addition to serving a vegetarian breakfast, we have held several social events including a summer barbecue and a Christmas-focused meal. Attendees in need can pick up warm clothes from the winter clothes bank and non-perishable foods from our foodbank. We also share free reading materials from our literature rack. All are welcome to join us for a delicious hot breakfast and good company. No reservations needed, just turn up! 


We welcome volunteers to assist with many aspects of the breakfast:  
- setting up the hall
- cooking the breakfast
- welcoming the attendees
- serving the meal
- being a table host to talk to attendees 
- cleaning up and washing.

There is something for young and old to do each Sunday! 

Click the link to SIGN UP as a volunteer for upcoming Sundays.  
Your details will be passed onto the team. 

- Food items to be used at the breakfast and for the food bank 
- Warm clothes for the winter clothes bank (we especially need more male clothing)  
- monetary donations can be given during our church services.  Mark the envelope “Community Breakfast” and place in the offering basket. You can also donate to the Samaritan Fund to our church account - please state this on the reference section.

Account Name: Southampton SDA
Sort Code: 40-42-21
Account number: 80724963
Reference: (for example - Community Breakfast or Samaritan Fund)
Bank Name: HSBC